
目前顯示的是 12月, 2015的文章

AWS Route53 DNS redirect

由於AWS Route53沒有redirect功能,所以需要另外搭配S3使用,才能做到redirect。 步驟 1. 在s3建立bucket,bucket name與轉換前的domain name需要相同 2. 在bucket properties設定Static website hosting,開啟redirect all request to another host name,設定要轉換後的網址 3.在route53內,轉換前的domain name設定record type A,Alias: Yes,選擇剛剛建立好的Static website hosting 4. 完成 reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10115799/set-up-dns-based-url-forwarding-in-amazon-route53 http://www.holovaty.com/writing/aws-domain-redirection/

修改Firefox ctrl+f搜尋的Match Case設定

1.Enter about:config into the address bar and press Enter. 2.Accept the warning message. 3.Type "case". 4.Double click on the entry accessibility.typeaheadfind.casesensitive in the list to open the Enter integer value dialog. 5.Change the number to 0 for case-sensitive search and press the OK button (or press Enter). ps. 1為開啟, 0為關閉