
目前顯示的是 1月, 2016的文章

Ubuntu 14.04 mount AWS S3

debian ubuntu raspberri-pi moubt exfat

Step.1 Install exFAT Driver $ sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse Step.2 Mount USB Flash Disk $ mkdir /media/usbname $ sudo mount -t exfat -o rw /dev/sda2 /media/usbname umount: sudo umount usbname/  or sudo umount /dev/sda2 How to enable exFAT in Ubuntu http://apcmag.com/how-to-enable-exfat-in-ubuntu.htm/ Proper way of unmounting usb stick (drive) https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=53987 Raspberry Pi : Support exFAT USB Flash Disk https://yfc58.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/raspberry-pi-support-exfat-usb-flash-disk/

Ubuntu 14.04英文版安裝中文輸入法

安裝中文輸入法之前,須先安裝desktop的中文語系。 System-Settings - Language Support - Install/Remove Languages - 選擇Chinese(traditional) 完成後,安裝gcin輸入法。 在Ubuntu Software Center安裝gcin,回 Language Support設定Keyboard input method system為gcin,接著重新登入帳號生效。 參考資料 Ubuntu 14.04安裝鍵盤輸入法系統gcin http://blog.xuite.net/yh96301/blog/287374341

java servlet HttpServletRequest參數

String scheme = req . getScheme (); // http String serverName = req . getServerName (); // hostname.com int serverPort = req . getServerPort (); // 80 String contextPath = req . getContextPath (); // /mywebapp String servletPath = req . getServletPath (); // /servlet/MyServlet String pathInfo = req . getPathInfo (); // /a/b/c String queryString = req . getQueryString (); // d=parameter req.getServletContext().getRealPath("")) disk path: /home/ubuntu/...   req.getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/abc.properties")) disk path: /home/ubuntu/... /WEB-INF/abc.properties   request.getServletPath= /test request.getRequestDispatcher= null request.getDispatcherType= REQUEST request.getServletContext().getContextPath()= /project request.getServletContext().getServletContextName()= Spring MVC Application request.getServletContext().getContext= null request.getServletContext().getServletNames()= java...


Firefox不會儲存密碼的問題,原因是將該網站設定為不儲存密碼,所以去修改那個清單就可以了。 Usernames and passwords are not saved Firefox密碼管理員 Password Manager - Remember, delete, change and import saved passwords in Firefox